Call for papers


The latest deadline for submitting articles that have not yet been deposited is October 14th. After that date, the platform will be permanently closed.
We ask you to use exclusively to deposit the articles on the website
Also, we ask you to use the template.

The next SIEST Mediterranean conference will be held from the 3rd to the 5th of April 2019 at the university of Patras (Greece). The final program will be available in January 2019.

The conference will expose communications proposed mainly by young researchers (master students, doctorate students, post-doctorate, etc) paired with senior researchers from the different teams of the network. The communications will be in French or in English. In order to encourage exchanges and discussions, the conference proceedings will be published before the conference in the journal of Patras University. For that, the texts will have to strictly follow the norms indicated in the following sections. If the form is receivable and the deadlines respected, the texts will be sent to experts from the scientific committee in order to discuss and improve the texts for publication.

Moreover, after the conference, a selection of texts will be done by the scientific committee, and the authors will be encouraged to submit their articles in the Review of Science, Mathematics and ICT education.

Moreover, the scientific committee will particularly consider propositions bringing together researchers from different laboratories of the SIEST Mediterranean network in order to further develop collaborations.

The summary has to be sent, in an attached document, by email, the 10/07/2018 at the email address:

 The attached document, in word format will include:

-       Title

-       Author(s), name(s) of laboratory, University, Country

-       A summary of 5 lines maximum

The file should be named: auteur1_auteur2_university

(example: boilevin_ravanis_Brest_Patras.doc).





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