Important dates


The latest deadline for submitting articles that have not yet been deposited is October 14th. After that date, the platform will be permanently closed.
We ask you to use exclusively to deposit the articles on the website
Also, we ask you to use the template.

  • Summary submission: 10/07/2018
  • Submission of full article – first version from the 10/07/2018 to the 30/09/2018
  • Extension of the deadline for submission full article: 14/10/2018
  • Feedback from reviewers: up to the 30/11/18
  • Submission of the final version of article: 31/01/19
  • Online publication: mi-mars 2019

Conference from the 3rd to the 5th of April 2019

The short papers will include the following:
  • Title
  • Author(s), Lab, University, Country

These files should be named as follows:

  • author1_author2_University (example: boilevin_ravanis_Brest_Patras.doc).


Online user: 1